Maitreya Image
Thangka of Green Tara

The Lost Sadhanas Project: Green Tara
The Savioress of the Mountain Cave

I see high mountains with evergreen trees and rushing waters. The air is clear and crisp and waterfalls dot the mountain sides. Spring is breaking through the winter ice.

An avalanche has revealed a cavern entrance in the nearest mountain. It is blue-green from copper deposits and it shines brilliantly in the afternoon sun. There is a distant light inside the cavern.

As we enter the cavern, there are golden stones with deep green veins that lead to the light. The light is brilliant blue-green. It is Tara's form when she manifests as pure light. She says, "If you wish to see my human form, welcome me properly."

I visualize a lotus throne where she can sit, with golden petals and deep green leaves. I create golden decorations, and flashing crystal chandeliers.

I give offerings of light and water in jeweled goblets, and sweet food and desserts. The cavern has a floor of brightly colored pebbles, and each one calls out, "Maha Arya Tara, bless us with your presence."

The cavern rings with her name. The lights rise in awe and wonder. There appears a great, spinning tunnel of blue-green light over the lotus throne and it takes the form of a beautiful woman whose skin is fair but with green shadows. She has long green veils and her golden crown has five lotus petals with the high buddhas in golden relief.

Her golden earrings have a closed lotus and her necklaces have open lotuses. Her veils are white on white and green on green woven with the histories of universes and the dramas of the Buddha and bodhisattvas' incarnations.

She smiles and says,

In a formal setting, you offer me food and drink, and flowers and perfume. I see your incense as green smoke rising to the heavens.

But for an informal visit like this one, I can take the role of friend rather than celestial goddess. For that type of visit, I need only an open heart. In this approach, the heart is a window and the depths of the soul are revealed. I can see your desires and ideals before you realize them yourself.

The cavern has been transformed into a beautiful garden, full of fantastic flowers in unknown colors with calling birds and musical winds.

Tara says, "Let us walk through the garden." Leaves fall in chimes and vines have musical blossoms. There is a fountain with glowing water. Tara says, "Here is the fountain of life, drink from it."

I do and the waters are suddenly full of bodhisattvas of all times and places. As I drink, they are within me and all around me.

She says, "I am not the only bodhisattva. Know that all of these surround you. And in this life, I will appear before you in visionary form in the future.

We next move on the adi-buddha Vajradhara, the ultimate source of these teachings.

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Introduction | Methodology - Participant/Observer | The Bodhi Tree Sadhanas | Vajra Dakini Discussion | Vajra Dakini Commentary | Vajra Dakini Sadhanas | Vajra Yogini Commentary | Vajra Yogini Commentary | Maitreya Sadhanas | Vajradhara Speaks About Yidams | Lost Sadhanas Conclusion


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